
The Apartment Therapy January Cure: Six Days Late

    I should be on the 6th Day of my Apartment Therapy January Cure but somehow I got stuck on 

Day 2: Set Up An Outbox

     First of all my list of projects overwhelmed me. I was thinking it is almost impossible to 'cure' my house in a month, all 298 square meter of it. So I decided, okay will go on my own pace. What I needed desperately to get organized was my home office. I had to get some things done on the work front and I can't with my office stuck in Holiday mode. There were unsent presents,  (yikes!) wrapping paper, ribbons and ...(sigh) just one big mess. 

I cannot work here!

      My initial list echoed the same.

     It was a tumultuous task as it took me 5 days....See, that's why I am behind. My home office needs it baaaad! First, I wanted to say good-bye to open storage. Why? Nobody really cares to clean whatever is out there. Luckily there was a 50% markdown on storage in Shopwise.

Getting ready for WAR...against clutter!
     Here it is in progress...
     How did I do it? The usual, TOSS, TOSS, TOOS like crazy!!!

     After 5 days.....Ehem, still messy desk on the right is H's.

      I love the way my re-purposed wine crates turned out for the kids' library...What do you think?

     I just hope my office stays this way a little longer than the last time I fixed it.... Fingers crossed!

     Now I can work....

     You can still catch up with the January Cure. Click here.
Come on!


Anonymous said...

Thanks to your blog, I was able to follow AT's January cure. And just like you, I simply couldn't cope! With my office work and mommy and wife duties, time is simply not enough. And I am doing my organizing at my own pace and of course, budget. Please keep your posts more regular. Nakaka-miss if they come only every once in a while...Mommy Marie

Unknown said...

Thank you very much, Mommy Marie for the kind words. Great that you are doing the AT January Cure or at least trying like me. Yes, I will try to post more regularly. It is always a joy to hear from friends like you! Keep in touch!