
So Much For Dry Ice Fixes

   The most exciting part was waiting for your ice-cream in square boxes and blocks of dry ice to go with it, come out of the conveyor belt.....The highlight of which was playing with the dry ice either pretending to be a witch or a mad scientist at home....

     It is for this childhood memory that I will always be loyal to Magnolia Ice-Cream, not the countless bananas splits and cobblers I ate by myself or shared with sibling or with my cousins. No.  

    Aside from that I loved the Magnolia Ice-Cream House building as well. Even when Nestle took over for a while, the building was a testimony to our glorious ice-cream days of yore. I would take my kids there and explain how we used to go there (with the matching conveyor belt story of course) and that it was designed by none other than Architect Leandro V. Locsin. the same genius who gave us the Cultural Center of the Philippines and the Philippine International Convention Center. (among so many other great structures)

     I will skip again another part of this story, the saddest part actually, the part that involved a demolition. I am a positive blogger or I try to be, so..... Anyway, now a mall stands on the property that used to house the Magnolia plant and ice-cream house. Call me a sucker but I like the mall. haha! I have been going there at least once a week guilt, sadness and all with pathetic mall ratism. BUT beyond the clouds of commercialism and cosumerism is a silver lining. No, it is more of a blue and yellow lining.....


A new, brighter and lighter take on it by my friend, (Naks)  interior designer, Wilmer Lopez whose works I totally love.

     It was my first time to actually enter the new ice-cream house as it is always full on weekends. It felt like a neighborhood go-to place after school. It made me feel young - young-er!

      But the ice-cream....made me feel right and at home....everybody's new home for Magnolia Ice-cream......

     As for our dry ice fixes, we should have enjoyed it while it lasted, guys..... Carpe Diem as the oldies used to say....

     Who wants to split a banana split with me next time? 

Robinsons Magnolia
Aurora Blvd. cor. Dona Hemady St.
Quezon City



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