
I Just Met My Favorite Aquarium!

     As frequent enough visitors to the Bay Area, should I be ashamed to admit that I just saw Monterey during our last trip this year?

     Thanks to my sweet high school friend Gina, my little gang and I finally saw this quaint and pretty town. I fell in love with it right away and we all fell in love with Tita Gina right away too. Thank you again, Gina for sharing that day with us.

     My teen kids of course wanted to see the Monterey Bay Aquarium.  In as much as I love aquariums more than zoos, more than the fish,  I completely got lost in the beautiful industrial structure that houses it. Ang ganda niya!

     IT was deesigned by Esherick Homsey Dodge & Davis  to look like a sardine cannery which used to stand on the property. A cannery steam whistle is still blown at noon to commemorate it. 

     This explains the building's industrial design. The unpainted cement walls and brutalist touches provide a breathtaking contrast to the the ocean views outside and the colorful, underwater life and creatures highlighted inside. I felt I was in heaven, architecture heaven that is. plus the kids were busy with the kelp and the fish and the jelly fish...etc...

     Monterey Bay Aquarium is my fave of all the aquariums I have visited. I would love to go back when get the chance.

     The town of Monterrey itself is so laid back and quiet, a true respite.  

          Here are some outtakes from our visit to Monterey.....

Just like getting to know this beautiful place.....

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